Wednesday, November 30, 2011

My Art 2 kids just finished these simple stills using colored pencils.  I didn't want them to take too long on this project so I made sure they kept it simple.  They are now working on some tempera batik pieces which are more detailed and larger in scale. 

These contour faces are being created by my Adv. students.  I got this idea from my trip to TAEA.  I love going, I get so many great ideas. 

Hope you are doing well. Bye

Monday, November 14, 2011

Sorry it took me so long to post these pictures.  These are just a few of the scratchboard projects my art 1 kids finished a week ago.  I explained this process a bit in a previous post.  The kids really enjoyed this project and I enjoyed the results.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

I spent a wonderful few days at Galveston, TX where the annual TAEA conference was held.  I went to several workshops where art educators shared their tried and true lessons.  There's nothing like surrounding yourself with "like minds" and seeing how other art programs from around the state differ from your own.  I always return rejuvinated and excited to teach.  I have so many ideas thanks to the conference.  This year an artisans market was held so art educators could sell their wares.  I decided to sell my jewelry.  I didn't think I would sell much since it was only for two and a half hours.  Boy, was I wrong!  I sold out in less time than that.  What I enjoyed most was meating all of the wonderful people that stopped by my table.
I posted pictures of the view from my window and a few shots that I took when I went out for some shopping.  If you are ever in Galveston you don't want to miss some of the wonderful antique shops.  I now have to write a power point presentation that I will be presenting tomorrow to area art educators based on "Creative Background Techniques".  After the great time I had I feel up to the challenge.  I hope you had a great weekend.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

My Art 1 Students have finally completed their scratch art projects.  I decided to post this particular piece because I had the sense to take pictures through the development of this piece.  I first have the kids draw on paper, they then trace it onto poster board.  After they color the poster board they cover it with ink.  They retrace the drawing which allows them to see where the original drawing is.  I then have them look through a grid they created with different patterns.  They choose the patterns they like and scratch the patterns out on different sections of their drawings.
I'm very happy with the results and I believe the kids are too.
Hope you have a nice weekend.