Sunday, February 5, 2012

My apologies, It has taken me a bit longer than usual to post.  I've been extremely busy at work, as I'm sure most of you are and I have also been busy with my small jewelry business.  I make jewelry and sell at a few local galleries and at the art market on Saturdays.  I am also the founder of an art collective and am the new VASE director for the region.  
I will do my best to post as often as possible, but my apologies if I don't do it as often.  The two images above are from a project that was done prior to Christmas vacations, but I had not gotten around to post.  They were created by my adv. kids using modified contour drawing and watercolors.  The original idea came from another TX. teacher that I saw in Galveston.  I tweaked it a bit, but tried not to deviate from the original idea. 
Have a good week.