Monday, November 5, 2012

That's me in the middle, along with two good friends of mine.  We had a booth at the Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) Festival in Old Mesilla, NM this past weekend.  A total of five teachers ( all UVAs. What's an UVA? in the festival where we sold our wares and took pictures with people that came to the festival. 
We each sold different things, I mostly sold my jewelry and a few prints of my work.  We spent the weekend there and shared a hotel room, where we drank some wine and did some art (beleive it or not :)  I had a great deal of fun, but was dragging this morning and wondered why I didn't think to take the day off.
Next up is the TAEA Convention in San Antonio, TX.  You going?  I will be there with two of my fellow UVAs and we will be selling our wares one evening.  Come by and say hello if you stop by.  I will not have my costume on, but will have a picture at my table. 
As for school, well the kids are working hard and are creating some great things.  I have changed many things this year concerning my program so I have been quite busy rewriting my lessons and curriculum.  I will post pictures of their work soon.
Hope to see you in San Antonio.