Friday, May 13, 2016

Let's try this one more time.

Wow!  It has been three years since I last wrote in my blog, time sure does fly.  In case you were wondering, many things kept me away from my blogs. 
When I first began this blog, I was posting pictures of student work with no thought of where these images might end up.  One day, as I was perusing a new site (at the time) called Pinterest, I came across my pictures!  I was upset at myself for being so careless with the images of my student's work.  This prompted me to stop posting and sharing student work. 
I've wanted to return many times, but other factors began to impede my return.  Life, as they say, got in the way.
School ends in a few weeks, but I decided to peek in and say "hello" and to ease myself back to posting. 
I will be attending classes at TX. Tech in the summer and hope to share the work I create there during the summer.
As for the pieces I have pictured here.  They are being created by my Art 2 students.  In retrospect, this is a great beginning of the year project, but my brain did not come up with this idea until recently!  We are dealing with positive-negative space and design.  I'm getting mixed reviews on this project, but mostly positive.  I'll post the finished results as soon as they are done.

Construction paper on paper.

See you soon!