Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Two more weeks for summer break!!!  I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!!!
This was an end of year assignment that I gave my adv. students a few years ago.
 I found this old paper that looked like paper bags, but thinner.  I gave the students conte crayons and gave them a week and a half to complete.  No preliminary sketches, just straight to the drawing.
There was a relaxed feel to this assignment, the kids worked quietly and I could see that they were enjoying the process of just sitting down and drawing with these materials.  I will definitely do this assigment again next year.
To view some of my work go to @nenasart

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Shake it like a polaroid picture!

Somtimes the simplest ideas turn out to be the best, don't you think?  The top one is a sketchbook assignment that took about 15 minutes or so.  I give the kids a Smarties candy and had them draw it as we opened the wrapper.  At the end, the kids can eat the candy, if they wish.

The bottom picture is of a polaroid picture selfie.  The kids had to take a selfie, I then let them sketch in their sketchbooks for  a class period.  Afterwards, I gave the students paper with the dimensions of a polaroid picture.  I have a template I created and the kids traced it in order to have the picture frame of a polaroid picture.
I think they came out great, don't you?
To see more of my work, please visit @nenasart

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Drawing Horses!!

My co-worker and I asked for money to buy supplies to construct drawing horses this year.  My coworker was in charge of building the 35 horses (no easy task) and my students are now creating art work on them.
This project is going to last several weeks, I'm sure.  I'll update as I go.

On a different note, I am shocked at how much time has passed since my last post.  With the ease of social media, posting on my blog became a thing of the past.  I am going to try and revive my blog.
You can find me on Instagram to see some student work, but I mostly post about my own work and my quest to keep creating.
I am @nenasart