Saturday, November 20, 2010

Community Service

We were given an opportunity to give back to our community just recently by doing what we do best. ART!!! We are painting on mannequin heads that will be given to women that have lost their hair due to chemotherapy. There is a cancer foundation here in town that will be collecting the mannequin heads from us and will be presenting them to women from our community that are battling cancer. I am very proud of my kids, they have been working extra hard spending their lunch time and after school time working on these mannequins. I'm hoping to find a way to introduce some of these ladies to my kids so the kids can see for themselves the impact they are making in their community.

I work in a school where our visual art dept is over looked (a story for another day), even with all of the kid's accomplishments, scholarships and amazing art work. It will do the kids good to see that they do make a difference and that there are people that recognize their talent.

1 comment:

  1. Love these! I own a wig shop that caters to women going through cancer treatment and would love to do something like this!
