Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Losses and Gains

I received the news early today, a darling, giving lady who I consider a friend passed away. She was an amazing stained glass artist and teacher. She gave classes at the community college and by doing so spread her love of the medium to others. I took one of her classes which is how I met her, I wanted to improve on my skills so that I could apply it to my jewelry. I was thinking about her this weekend, I was thinking of taking another class....
As I was sitting in my classroom pondering life a smiling head peeked its head in. Roger!! A student of mine that graduated a year ago. This young man is an exceptional talent and received a scholarship to study art in San Francisco. He should have left since last fall but his mother did not want to see him go and so he postponed his semester to try and calm his mother's fears. He came to say good-bye to me, he leaves for San Francisco in the morning. This is good news, a bright future for this young man.
As you can imagine I have mixed feelings today. On the one hand I am saddened by the loss of Noni and happy for the future of my former student.
Life is funny that way, isn't it?

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