Wednesday, January 26, 2011


When my students struggle to come up with independent ideas I ask them to grab a newspaper and read, write down comments about anything that grabs their attention. Many of my students have created great projects using this method. This particular piece is one such project. Newspaper was included in the project and large newspaper print was used for added interest. This particular piece is full of symbolism and it is always interesting to hear the opinions of my students when it comes to world events. This particular student has been my student for four years now and it has been a great pleasure to see him grow and mature. I remember a time when I couldn't get him to take out a pencil, he has created some of my favorite pieces these past few months, including one of the virgin drawings from a previous post. A few more months left, lets see what else he does.


  1. I love the banner picture and title of your blog, it's really creative. I usually follow elementary art-themed blogs so its nice to find a high school one and see the work that gets done. If you have time check out my blog:

  2. Thank you, to be honest I was thinking of changing my banner, but now I won't! I would love to go by your blog, I'm on my way.
