Thursday, August 18, 2011

First Assignments

Every year I try and come up with lessons for the first week of school  for my four art level classes.  The assignments are meant to be introductions, a measure of talent and a time filler.  I know, that does not sound so good, but kid's schedules are moved around so much that anything I teach in the first week is lost.  I do a quick over view of the rules ( I give a more extent talk towards the middle of the week).
So far these are my ideas:
Art 2-draw 10 objects (2 a day) in your sketchbook.  After completeing the ten sketches, create four different backgrounds using different mediums in your sketchbook.  Select one background and create an interesting composition with the ten objects you selected. 
Adv-What is your style?  I will put out several objects and students will have to create drawings of each object using different mediums in the style of their choice.
Art 1-AAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGG!!!!!!! Some ideas but have not zeroed in on one.  I like to set the tone with this class, I want them to know that this class is not for their entertainment.  It is a class they will enjoy, but hard work is expected.

What are your first week projects?


  1. I agree completely with your sentiment on Art 1. LOL! You really have to be on top of them and set the tone for the class. I am beginning with a still life observation drawing and I'm not going to give them any instruction. At the end of the year, I plan on doing a similar still life and comparing the drawings. It should be interesting! I also start out the semester in Art 1 doing a lot of book work on the first chapters in their textbooks. This lets them know that this is still an academic class.

  2. Great ideas! I especially love the idea of doing book work the first week of school. I was going to bring out text books but had not thought of doing it on the first week. I think I will. I also like the idea of doing the still life and then comparing at the end of the year. Hmmm, I think I have my assignments, thanks.
