Friday, October 8, 2010

Finally, it is up and running. My goal was to start this blog at the beginning of the school year so that I would be able to post my lessons and pics of projects as my classes worked through them. Unfortunately, I was bombarded with sooo much work (I should have known better) I just couldn't get to it.
I mostly want to keep a record of my work that will help me to generate better ideas for the future. I also want to give back to my fellow art educators. I believe we are always looking for fresh ideas that will help us to better teach old techniques and I am more that happy to help, all I ask is that you give credit where credit is due. I, for one, am always "borrowing" ideas from other teachers, but I always change it somehow so that it will work for my students, since I know what their capabilities are.
I'd like to show you my classroom. I am very fortunate to work in such a great space. Aside from my classroom I also have an art lab in the back. Our school district passed a bond a couple of years ago and the Fine Arts were greatly rewarded (about time).

I suppose that is all for now, I will be posting lessons and pics soon, 'till next time.


  1. I love this new blog. I look forward to following your lesson plans. It' so inspiring to see how art is taught at the high school level. :)

  2. Thank you, I appreciate your kind words.
