Thursday, October 14, 2010

Shapes and Patterns

After spending some time doing line drawings we get into shapes and patterns. I don't spend too much time on these particular principles and elements, but I do come back to them and do continue to speak of them from time to time. Again, I wanted to experiment on a new project for my art 1 classes so I was not too sure what the end results were going to be.

I start off by asking them to create a grid and fill each square with different patterns. I talk about natural patterns and man-made patterns. Once they complete the grid, they bring an interesting shape cut out of a magazine. They then fill up some of the shapes with the patterns they have created. Their work should look balanced when completed.


  1. Nena, So glad you found my blog - so I could see yours! I love it.......your students work is awesome, they must have a very talented teacher:)

  2. i love your ideas!!!! i just found this blog.....looks like you haven't posted in a while tho'.....
