Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Sketchbook Homework/shoes

For their next homework assignment my students had to draw a pair of shoes in their sketchbooks. The majority of the kids did a good job, although I have to admit that I am still waiting to be pleasantly surprised. It is so hard to get them to experiment! I have tried putting out watercolors,paint and other things to get them to add backgrounds to their sketchbook pages but they just won't do it.

You are probably wondering why I don't just make them add something to their pages, but I am always talking about how a sketchbook is a personal representation, so I have basically shot myself in the foot. I will have to rethink this for next year.

I have also thought of bringing in my own book but I have so much personal writings in it. Perhaps downloading more images from the net would be helpful, hmmmm, I really have to think about this one.

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