Thursday, June 9, 2011

Blogger Problems

I've been having trouble with blogger for a few weeks now.  When I press the 'sign in' tab on the top of  my blog page I am taken directly to my dash board, then, when I try to view my blog or comment on my  blog or other blogs, I am signed off.  Because of this I have not been able to respond to comments.  I have searched for solutions and have written about this issue under the 'help' section of blogger, but have had no resutls. 
I'm posting this to see if anyone else is having these issues and could be of some help.
Ok, now to other business.  I will be posting a few more lessons from the end of year projects very soon, including the senior books I have my (you guessed it) seniors create.  Yesterday was the last day of school and I have a few home projects I'd like to get to.  It is also time to get back to creating some of my own art.
I hope you have a restful summer.


  1. Hi, I haven't looked at your blog yet (just linked to it through another art teacher blog when I saw the post title) but I may have the solution to your blogger woes. Are you on a PC, using Microsoft Internet Explorer as your browser? If so, download Mozilla Firefox and use it as your browser instead, and all your problems will magically disappear. I don't know why, but after I had problems it was recommended, and it works. Since then, I've passed the word on to others and everyone seems to agree. So give it a try! And I promise to come back and take a good look at your blog, too :-)

  2. I don't have that problem, but some of my photos keep disappearing. It happened before and I replaced them, but when I was checking this week, it happened again. All that appears is a black box with a triangle and an exclamation point in it. I can't figure it out and got no help from the help section.
