Monday, September 26, 2011

First Project for Art 1

Yay!  The first project for Art 1 is complete.  Students had to draw their hands using modified contour drawing.  The objective was to draw their names in sign language, drawing from observation.  This is why the sign language hands are the left ones and not the right hands. 
I gave the students the option of coming up with their own backgrounds, if they could not they had to do a collage. 
I am happy with the end results.


  1. These are fantastic. I've also done a contour drawing with hands projects with my Grade 10 students- most find it quite difficult!

  2. Great idea and well done too. I'll probably copy that with a class.

  3. I'm glad to hear you liked it. It is usually a class favorite. There are some years when I get away from it,but students always complain when they catch a peek at some old examples. "Why can't we do that?" I guess it is here to stay.
