Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Painted Still Life

This is what my Art 2 students are creating.  Even though they were exposed (or should've been) to painting in Art 1, I like to assign them a still life painting to get them to pracitice their painting techniques.  I'd rather they come up with their own still life, but it is so difficult to get them to set up some good compositions on their own.  I set up this still life, but I didn't want them to all look the same, so I pushed them to create their own unique background.  If you look through my blog, you will find some "stills" that were created last year.  I didn't push them on backgrounds last year, but I was happy with the results.  I'm already thinking of how I am going to change this up next year.
So far I am pleased with their efforts, I do hope they come out well.

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