Friday, September 7, 2012

Musical instruments

Our fine arts dept. was giving away damaged instruments this summer and I was lucky enough to pick up a few.  I decided to use them for the first assignment of the new school year.  School started last Monday and as the kids walked in, I instructed them to pick up an instrument and start drawing.   The kids are finishing up, some just need to add some finishing details.
The top two are oil pastel completed by Art 3 and 4 students and the bottom two are watercolor completed by Art 2 students. 
As soon as more are completed I will take pictures and post. 


  1. These student artworks are absolutey stunning. You must be an amazing instructor and inspiration to your students.

  2. Thank you for your kind words, I have very talented kids that just need a nudge here and there.

  3. All the painting in above given post are looking fabulous and creative. It looks like a original instruments picture.

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