Thursday, March 7, 2013

It seems like forever since I last posted, what is wrong with me!?  Rest assured, I am still teaching art and have kept myself and my students quite busy.  February is competition season for us and things were quite busy, but, lucky for me things are beginning to wind down.  I'm glad because I can now show you the latest pieces my adv kids have created.
These are batiks, which I just loooove doing, but due to budget cuts had not been able to do for quite some time.  I submitted a lesson to Donors Choose and my project was fully funded.  Thank you Donors Choose!
 I asked the kids to create something that was inspired by nature, this way any errors with the wax could be easily incorporated into the piece. 
Some of the kids created large piece while others opted for a much smaller size, either way the results were wonderful and we were all happy with the results.
Until next time!

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