Sunday, July 3, 2016

Lesson Plans

I just returned from my summer semester at Texas Tech University and have a week off before I return to my next summer session.  One more year and I will be done with graduate school.  I will share pictures of the work I created, soon.

Instead, I want to show you something I've been thinking about.  Keep in mind, I've never done this before and charting new territory is scary.   I'm thinking of selling my lessons on line! 

My original idea was to write a book incorporating my lessons, but truth be told, I don't have much time with graduate school and my first grandchild arriving in the next few months.  Instead of putting the whole idea on hold, I figured I could start offering my lessons.

The first lesson I'm thinking of selling is the one that I posted about previously.  I've already put it together, I just have a few finishing touches to do before I start selling my lesson.  This first lesson is going to be a test, writing a lesson for myself and for my admin (which knows nothing about art) is one thing, writing for other art educators is another.  I'm hoping I will get feedback that will help me improve on the lessons I will be offering. 

I will probably put this lesson up for sale in August, this will give me enough time to return from graduate school, rest and prep for the start of the coming school year.

I hope you are enjoying your summer vacations, till next time!

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