Monday, January 10, 2011

Finals Today

I think I came up with something interesting for their finals. I decided they would need extra time to complete their exams so I started everyone on their tests today. I want to make sure they have extra time to complete it. I will post pictures once they are done. There's nothing like the quiet of a test day.
I've been quite fortunate this year (knock on wood), the discipline problems have been minimal and those that were more than a minimal discipline problem have now been suspended or left to other schools.
On the average I have more good kids than not, well, don't we all? Why is it then that all it takes is one kid with problems to bring you down? All it takes is one to change the environment of the classroom.
I tend to start the school year very strict, I do not allow for much deviance, then I slowly start to ease off. By doing this I set the tone of the classroom.
It works for me, what works for you? How do you handle discipline issues?

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